Grandmothers March (or simply Father Marta, Bulgaria: Calculator) is a holiday celebrated in Bulgaria on 1 March. Martenitsas is usually created in the form of a wrist band, combining small spinning dolls or tassels, red and white yarns, and worn throughout that day and March. They are worn until a Stork or a tree that blossoms, spring, warm weather and icons that will come to be good.
According to the tradition, martenityssa swallow or Stork will move until they see.After being seen, it connects to a tree.
This holiday is in Bulgarian, "Çestita Father Marta! it is celebrated in the form of". The Father Marta - Marta nine is one of the most respected traditions preserved to date. These jewelry, fruit trees, houses, home animals also hang. In this way, the newly started agricultural year to be fertile and fruitful wishes are kept.
The first martensitics, without using any other jewelry or details, are made of only red and white yarns, and to protect from the evil eye, people and animals hang out. In some regions, this twisted red-white string is tied to gold or silver coins, which is used as an icon to protect against diseases.
The most important figures of martenitsa are puppets made of red and white rope known as "Pijo and penda".
The white color used in martenitsa represents longevity, and the red color represents health and strength.
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